14 June 2011

My Least Favorite Part

On the eve of a family trip, there is no way to avoid packing.  Believe me, I tried my best.  So many "emergencies"  -- 10 year old roses that HAVE to be transplanted TODAY.   And so much lettuce to plant (never mind that it will ripen, bolt and turn bitter before our return).  I even left town for a day or two -- and watched the entire 10th season of one of the many Law and Order series.  But the most blaring evidence of my packaphobic desperation is what you are reading.  Despite years of resistance (and technical laziness), I am now starting a blog --   about not packing.  What if I just don't do it?

1 comment:

  1. Narda,
    One time I let Stephan pack by himself for a trip to Hawaii. When we arrived all that was in his suitcase was his teddy bear and one pair of shorts. He walked down to the ABC store and bought a bathing suit and a pair of flip flops which was all he really needed. Sadie Rose and I were really grateful for the extra room in his suitcase on the way back.
