30 June 2011

Marché Provençal -- Yesterday

We’ve been waiting for the Wednesday market and today’s Wednesday.  Even got up early and delayed beach plans.  And off we went -- looking very much like eager tourists, cash in pocket, camera battery fully charged -- and then . . . I took a few photos just to share. So you can see for yourself -- yeah . . . we were surprised as well. All the big mamas in conservative garb were out, buying thongs at 2 for 3 Euros.  That was interesting.  And I am almost out of embroidery thread.  And we’ve been saying we need a new mattress . . .

We saw a cemetery across the street and strode purposefully in so as not to look like we came to this part of town by accident.  Which, bien sur,  is exactly what we seem to have done.

I did learn something though:  if you have a family plot and want to appear attentive to your ancestors,  ceramic bouquets! 

As for the rest, I’m a tourist.  There are special areas for me.  I should stick to them.

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