26 June 2011

Southern France -- Arles!

Ok kiddos -- small problem re: communication now.  The 1000 year old house we're staying in is having some internet problems.  No wonder the Romans lost their empire if they can't handle a little thing like this!  It may be fixed tomorrow, but . . . we'll see . . in the meantime:  je suis au cafe.  (I'll have to chat about Paris later.)

I LOVE IT HERE!  It is hot hot hot but dry and sunny.  "Our" house is stone and lovely  (link below with photos), so no chance of mold in this climate! 

The kids are thrilled that they can run around on their own -- "as long as you can see the Colosseum"   -- which is across the street.  It's also free for kids so they can run IN the Colosseum -- as they wish.

They are even free to go out and buy ice cream on their own -- with their newly and temporarily extravagant allowances.   Tai didn't want his dad to know what he and Zahra were up to so he said he was going outside "to practice French,"  then came back to the house twice, yelling, "Mom!  How do you say cone?"  and "Mom,  how do you say no cup?"  

We're adapting to the Mediterranean lifestyle (it makes sense now) -- early morning out  (Ulys "It's not that big.  I know because I ran around the city twice and it only took me 45 minutes.), then lunch, then siesta (when many things are shut anyway), then out for dinner at 7:30.  Tonight we arrived early -- i.e. 7:00 pm and the waitress asked,  "Four for lunch?"

Very walkable and friendly and easy.  (Notice I did not say "cheap," or even "affordable.")

Inspired by Van Gogh, Tai has started painting!  We bought him an acrylic set and Zahra mixed colors for his still life's.

Of medical interest:  it appears that an active 8 year old boy can thrive on a diet of bread, butter, fruit and nutella crepes  -- at least temporarily.

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