28 June 2011

It’s Safe to Come to Paris Now!

 Changes that have occurred since I studied here -- err - not recently:  

Friendliness:  Should I write FRIENDLINESS!!!?   And cheerful attempts to speak English!!!  And yes, I checked several times and we were definitely in Paris.  Paris, France.

Eating:  SUSHI!  Lots of choices -- including delivery.  

Smoking:  Still happening.  But there are many places where it is forbidden!  And some people even respect the new law! 

Shopping:  There are 8 weeks of obligatory sales for ALL retail shops every year.  4 in January.  4 starting last week.  (I don’t know if this is new -- I was unable to shop when last here.) 

Eco-Transport:  There are rent-a-bikes parked all over the city.  Cost? 1 Euro.  There are plans to add electric cars within the next few years.  Cost?  1 Euro! 


One: buy a museum/transport pass before you come.  It allows you use of all public transport and reserved access to most museums.  I went to the Musee d’Orsay  (loads of work by the Impressionists, Naturalists and others).  I almost gave up as there was a 3 hour line to get in.  Then I saw the Reserved Access entrance.  No line! 


Overall:  Everybody’s so much younger than before -- some of the youth even have gray hair!  And the cops and soldiers are HOT!  Or will be, as soon as they reach adulthood.

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