11 June 2012

10 June 21012

In the Air:  Somewhere over Atlantic Frozen Parts

(- 67 degrees outside, better inside)

It's that crucial hour -- do I go to sleep now or just watch movies, bleary eyed, for the next 6 hours?   There are plenty of movies -- just finished "The Iron Lady,"  very appropriately as it is about Margaret Thatcher.  And have been glancing over for bits of "The Help"  (Zahra's screen), and "Cars Two"  (Tai's screen)  -- and on a screen up-two-seats-an-just-across-the-aisle, I finally saw the end of the last H. Potter -- guess who won?!  

We were right to avoid American airline companies, and to take a one-hour jaunt to Vancouver, Canada, then connect with a direct Vancouver-London Heathrow flight.  Imagine this:  a comfortable airline (and we are in the cheap seats this time so it must be paradise in front -- in fact, I think I can see flickers from a disco ball), with a friendly staff and free stuff. Yeah, Free Stuff!!!!  You are allowed to take your luggage with you!  And the ear plugs are free, meals, drinks (it IS in their interest to quell the masses with some mild inebriation, after all.)  Even the bathrooms can be used -- as many times as you like -- without financial penalty!  And did I mention movies, TV shows, blankets and pillows?  AND AIR!!!!  We can breathe AS MUCH AS WE WANT!!!!!  No BYO O2 canisters required!!!  (Ours are in a locker at PDX.)  GO AIR CANADA!!!     

As for the friendly staff -- it appears that this crew has not been shanghaid in a Vegas alley after the bars close!  They actually seem to have agreed to be airline hosts!  It's as if they chose their jobs and so come to work, like many of us,  of their own free will!  US based airlines should look into this voluntary workforce business!   
 . . . just a thought . . 

But enough too-much-Folgers-crystals-fueled-chatter. Back to the issue at HAND  To sleep or not to sleep?

. . . .  anticipatory drum roll . . . . 



Advantages:               Disadvantages:

It is biologically         I'll feel like
necessary                   hell when I wake

It keeps insanity at bay    My breath will            
                            smell of dog 

The time will pass quickly  My neck will be
                            tweaked to the

Might not get a headache    Might get a
                            headache no
                            matter what I do

Missing CSI &The Help     Missing CSI
                            The Help 

Not Sleeping:

Advantages:          Disadvantages:

I won't be groggy        I'll be catatonic
with customs            with customs and   
                         they'll let me in, 
                         then hospitalize me
Everyone else will       I'll be lonely and
be asleep and can        won't have to pee
take full advantage
of the free bathroom 

My breath won't smell    Who am I kidding?
like dog carcass

Ponder: what would I do were I British?

Ah, bloody 'ell, I forgot about the time change!!!!

I  must re-evaluate.