07 August 2013

Excerpt: Introducing Myself

I was asked to introduce myself in writing to the new group of volunteers soon to arrive.  So I took the opportunity to draw from my own past as a Peace Corps volunteer:

. . . .You will have wonderful times here.  But know that you will have bad days too.  Little things such as music, exercise, writing, visiting others will help.  But, as I remember all too well, some days are just useless.  Wait them out.  They too shall pass,  I promise.  And may I humbly suggest one thing:  try not to call home on these days.  Doing so tends to make everyone feel worse.   More importantly, the difficult moments are when you will make your most cherished, lifelong friends.  Reach out to your new Senegalese community.  Let them help you.  Trust them.  It is the best advice I have to offer.
As for the rest, the good times will take care of themselves!  And there will be many!  Work, take care of yourselves, take care of each other, laugh and have fun!   I will be here to help you in any way I can.

Dalem ak Diam!
