22 June 2011

Yo Flintstone, Meet George Jetson

For more years than my toes and fingers will allow me to count, I‘ve been claiming European worldliness because  “I lived in Europe for years (1970’s, 1980’s) and traveled all over by train (1980‘s)”  It seems, however, that things have changed.  It seems, therefore, that I don’ no nothing’:

1.  There is  a new European Union thing going on -- one currency; and borders are mere political suggestions.  Passport, smash port.

2.  Trains have seats for everybody -- some even reserved!  No more sharing the WC with 2 backpacks and an over amorous Italian adolescent.

3.  Everyone’s learned English.  Thoughtful.   One less thing.

4.  What’s a traveler’s check?  Am Ex, VISA, MC?  No problem.  Though actually signing a cc receipt is considered antique and risky.  Here, everyone has a PIN to type in rather than sign.  We, ye ole clodhoppers, have to ask, with mustered bravado,  to charge things "the old way."

5.  Despite the claims of Belgian restaurants, all tap water is potable.  Note the 25% drink’s tax.  Unrelated, I’m sure.

6.  Wireless everywhere! Including on the train (free!)!  And you can pre-order your taxi from said train to await you at your destination "gare." No need to make friends or talk to anyone.

7.  British trains no longer run on time -- sorry, India.

8.  While is remains uncouth to discuss money,  politics and sex are now fair conversational game -- especially with young children.

9.  Tennis shoes and jeans -- if someone’s wearing them, they are probably NOT American.  We wear khakis to be more European. They wear jeans to . . . Show they don’t care what . . . Oh never mind.  

10.  If you forget to take a photo of something, you can find one on the Internet.  In fact, you can use the Internet to make up your whole trip.  (How do I know this? Okay.  OKAY! I’m actually writing from Gresham.  Geez.  Details.  Details.)

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